Friday, October 26, 2012

Character Design: Week2

2nd assignment was to create silhouettes for the characters I'm designing through this course. Concept of these characters are Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(good turns to evil).
In the lecture, I learned how to explore and have fun with simple graphic shapes. I tend to draw generic characters all the time, so it was really interesting and helpful. Maybe some of them aren't enough but I tried to exaggerate as possible I can. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

AM: ITA Week4

Here's finally polished version of my pantomime shot! It'll be fixed based on my mentors and class mates comments but I would say that this is kinda done. I haven't picked any monologues for my next assignment yet, so It'll be busy next week....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Life Drawing Oct19

short poses(3~5 min)
long poses(10min)

Some of decent ones I drew last week and last last week. I love using ball-point pen and markers recently.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

AM: ITA Week3

This is my first splined pass of my pantomime shot. It's time to polish this!!!

Character Design: Week1

Character design class by Stephen Silver has finally started! First assignment is that designing character based on a description we get, and here's the description -->

NAME: walter chipwitther
WHO: wealthy entrepreneur
AGE: in his 60's
WHERE: London, 2011
PERSONALITY: jolly, full of laughter,enthusiastic man happy to be alive and well.
CLOTHING: Wears a bow tie, smoking jacket and monocle
LOOK: Heavy set, around 5'6

I wonder how this improves when I finish this course.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

AM: ITA Week2

My first blocking pass for my pantomime shot. Some breakdowns still missing but I'm adding soon...

Life Drawing Oct11

I've had bad drawing days recently, but finally I got some decent ones today!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Introduction To Acting: Week1

New term started! Finally acting, something I really wanted to learn more deeply. My new mentor is the man who worked on many of awesome films like Little mermaid, Tarzan, and Cats Don't Dance so I'm crazily excited for this term!
Thumbnails for my new pantomime shot! Hopefully this terns out good!

Quick staging test I did. Some tangents need to be fixed...
- fixed

video reference as usual, but this time I acted by my self.